506-433-1176 info@wallacefuneralhome.com Sussex NB

Tribute Wall
Adolf and Elke Solte posted a condolence
Thursday, September 26, 2024
We are so sorry to hear of Werner’s passing. Please except our sincere condolences.
Familie Reuther lit a candle
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Lieber Werner,
wir vermissen dich sehr!
Deine Jürgen und Frauke mit Gudrun und Birgit
Elvira lit a candle
Monday, July 8, 2024

Markus lit a candle
Monday, July 8, 2024

Our thoughts are with you in these difficult times.
With heartfelt condolences.
Markus Hediger
Pauline Blau lit a candle
Sunday, July 7, 2024

And because I hope, that there are english-speaking friends here as well:
Dear Werner,
I really don't know how to put into words what I feel. But what I do know is that I am grateful to have met you in the first place.
You moved to Canada when I was born. 20 years later, without knowing much more about me than my name, you were willing to take me into your home for four months and to share it with me. I will be forever grateful for your trust, your openness, and what developed out of it.
When I think of you, I think of our conversations about any- and everything. Thank you for sharing so many stories and life experiences with me!
Above all, I wish Susanne and Nicholas much strength and that you can give yourself the time and space that you need for grieving. I also wish that to all other members of Werner's family and friends.
Wherever you are, I hope you are doing well there!
Your niece Pauline
Pauline Blau lit a candle
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lieber Werner,
ich hab wirklich keine Ahnung, wie ich in Worte fassen soll, was ich fühle. Doch was ich weiß ist, dass ich dankbar bin, dich überhaupt kennen gelernt zu haben.
Du bist nach Kanada ausgewandert, als ich geboren wurde. 20 Jahre später – ohne viel mehr von mir zu kennen, als meinen Namen – warst du bereit mich vier Monate in deinem Zuhause aufzunehmen und es mit mir zu teilen. Für dein Vertrauen, deine Offenheit und was daraus entstehen konnte werde ich dir für immer dankbar sein.
Wenn ich an dich denke, denke ich vor allem an unsere Gespräche über Gott & die Welt. Danke, dass du so viele Geschichten und gesammelte Erfahrungen aus deinem Leben mit mir geteilt hast!
Ich wünsche vor allem Susanne und Nicholas viel Kraft und dass ihr euch die Zeit und den Raum zum Trauern geben könnt, den ihr braucht. Das wünsche ich natürlich auch allen weiteren Familienmitgliedern, sowie Freunden und Freundinnen Werners.
Wo immer du bist, ich hoffe, es geht dir dort gut!
Deine Nichte Pauline
Dieter Blau uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 7, 2024

…and then there were three…
Dieter Blau posted a condolence
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Hello big brother,
it‘s so hard to write these lines:
So close, no matter how far
couldn‘t be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters …
These lines from „Nothing else matters“ by Metallica, one of my absolute favorite songs for so many years, are my final farewell to my big brother Werner.
Thank you for everthing you did for me during my childhood and my youth - thank you for being my big brother!
It‘s so terribly sad that only a few days ago you had to leave so soon - much to soon…
Bernd and me would have loved to see you and talk to you once again. But now it’s too late.
I will miss our occasionally phone conversations, your voice, your sense of humor and your clear opinion on so many things we discussed.
I‘m really comforted by knowing that you had not been alone, while you passed away.
My sincerest condolence to Werners son and daughter Nicholas and Susanne and their families.
Good bye and rest in peace in a place you loved in your choosen residence in Coles Island, New Brunswick, Canada.
Your brother Dieter with Elvira, Pauline und Helen
Yvonne lit a candle
Sunday, June 30, 2024

In stillem Gedenken
Doris uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Du bleibst immer in meinem Herzen ❤️
Deine Schwester Doris
Doris lit a candle
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Roland Pfitzer uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Familie Vetter posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mit stillem Gruß
Uli, Karin & Amy
Karen(Robinson)Wood posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My Sincere Condolence to the family Werner Blau was sweet person I got chance to working for him a couple times to fill in doing Home Care Sweet person to work for he will be missed . I remember going there back in the day having meals there when he had the restaurant he was good cook . sending hugs to the family.
From Karen(Robinson)Wood.
Melanie Crowley lit a candle
Monday, June 24, 2024

Deepest sympathies
Lynn Tays posted a condolence
Monday, June 24, 2024
Sincerest sympathy for the loss of Werner. I greatly enjoyed knowing Werner and I was just thinking of him the other day, wondering how he was doing. He was a force to be reckoned with and I hope you will be comforted by your memories.
Andrew Purdy posted a condolence
Monday, June 24, 2024
Every Saturday in the summers, I looked forward to grabbing a breakfast sandwich and a quick chat at Kingston Farmers Market. I last spoke to him a few weeks ago and although his health was declining, it was great to see him and get connected one more time. He will be missed by many at Kingston Farmers market.
Basile and Jenny posted a condolence
Monday, June 24, 2024
So sorry for your loss. Our deepest condolences goes out to his family. He was a great friend and will be dearly missed by so many people. Sending our love to you all.
The family of Werner Ernst Blau uploaded a photo
Monday, June 24, 2024

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The family of Werner Ernst Blau uploaded a photo
Monday, June 24, 2024

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The family of Werner Ernst Blau uploaded a photo
Monday, June 24, 2024

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The family of Werner Ernst Blau uploaded a photo
Monday, June 24, 2024

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The family of Werner Ernst Blau uploaded a photo
Monday, June 24, 2024

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