Tony Burns

Obituary of Tony Burns

 Robert Anthony Burns

 June 4,1982 - September 4, 2024


 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.”

Matthew 5: 14-16

 Within the souls of children, there is a light that illuminates the space around them. Such was Tony. As a boy, he radiated bounce, fun and joy. As a man, his smile like sunshine brightened the day, his laughter lifted spirits and his hugs lingered long after his leaving.

Tony embraced experiences with wild abandon. He travelled to places unknown and brought back stories that delighted. Always, he returned with gifts. This generosity of spirit revealed itself early in life. He would give whatever he had, to whomever he perceived needed a kindness, be it an ice cream for a child, a chocolate bar for a man, solitary in his room at the hospital or a song for his Nan in palliative care.

 The love between Tony and his grandmother was a bond that found him seeking her advice, listening to her thoughts and absorbing her faith. It was she who taught him the children’s song, “This Little Light of Mine”, and encouraged him to never cease shining…all around the neighbourhood, the town and everywhere he went.

Exuberance, loyalty and laughter cemented life long connections and as his best friend Pierce said, “ I have never known another human being with such energy. He put everything he had into whatever he decided to do, whether it was playing basketball, going to the gym, golfing or work. Tony simply sparkled.”

His sensitivity and observations called him to his creativity. He was asked by his aunt to “ Fill the pages with the breathings of your heart.” He placed this line on top of everything he wrote. His poetry spoke of his essence and it was with pen in hand that he was most tender and true. His words took the reader on an emotional journey and spoke of talent.

 In quiet moments and in stillness, he visited shadows and struggles. When clouds darkened the day, he would return from his job in Alberta to his children where he would regain a stride of love, in a place of belonging.

In all the wonder of the light that he gave, his leaving has left us in darkness. We now look to the cathedral of the night sky, where the moon dwells, and wish upon the distant star of promise that our beautiful Tony be cradled in safe keeping, eternal and bright.

 Tony leaves behind his children: Bobby and Emma; their mother, Melissa Gillispie; his Mom, Ann (Skinner) West; his stepfather, Greg West; his brother, Charles; his step brothers: Jonathan and Aaron; as well as his aunts: Joan Skinner (Michael Dolan) and Beth MacKenzie (Brian); his uncles: Eric Skinner (Leslie) and Michael Skinner and numerous cousins, nieces, nephew, and friends, notably: Aaron (Pierce) Arnold; whom he trusted and treasured and also, his guide since boyhood, Sylvia Moore. He was deeply loved.

 He was predeceased by his father, Robert Burns; his maternal grandparents: Harry and Pat Skinner and his paternal grandfather, Charlie Burns.

There will be a gathering for family and friends, to honour Tony, at the home of Sylvia Moore, 803 Main St., Sussex, NB, from 11:00am to 12:30pm on September 21, 2024. For those who wish to be present during the sharing of memories, please arrive at 11:00. A private family burial will be held at a later date.

In memory of Tony, hold high your candle so your path be aglow with kindness and remember within each little light is the profoundness of the human spirit.

“I’ll be waiting for you in the place we collide, where dreams fix the impossible.”

 (by Tony Burns; chosen from his journal by Georgia Collins).


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