506-433-1176 info@wallacefuneralhome.com Sussex NB

Tribute Wall
Celebration of Life
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness's
1155 Main Street
Sussex Corner, New Brunswick, Canada
David and Carol Liebel posted a condolence
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Over the last 29 years since we met Annabel, there have been more visits to her home than we can remember. Wherever she lived, the place was tastefully decorated and arranged, just like Annabel herself.
Whether it was a for game of Uno, a meal, even a weekend stay for an event at Frenchy's, we knew there'd be a warm welcome.
So much so that when I became suddenly ill with a gastro upset while in Sussex working on the Kingdom Hall renovation, where did I go to hole up for the day? To Annabel's. She took me in, let me monopolize her washroom and den for the day. Now that's love.
One thing she never failed to talk about was her love and appreciation for each and every one of her children. She may have forgotten or confused things in these last years, but never that love for you and her happiness at being your mother.
Offering our love and sympathy, David and Carol Liebel
Delores and Robert posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
To Ruth and all the family of Annabel Hodgson ,
Please accept our sincere condolences,Annabel was a very special person , she was especially special to me..
She introduced me to the truth as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses , for which I would be eternally grateful.
So sleep peacefully my dear Annabel until , we meet again.
Gloria Mitchell and carol Steeves posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Thought and prayers are with you all
She was a lovely lady
Barb Brock-Bissell posted a condolence
Friday, October 13, 2023
Our deepest condolences to all the family.
We have heard so many stories from John and Linda over the years and we spoke of Annabel on there visit in Ontario just this past September 2023.
We were very shocked to hear of her passing just shortly after there return back home to New Brunswick.
Such a sad time for everyone.
She is now at peace and this is always a blessing.
Love to you all .... you will be in our thoughts on the date of the upcoming Celebration of Life.
Barb and Jeff Bissell (Ontario)
Diana cannon posted a condolence
Friday, October 13, 2023
Beautiful memories displayed on the photos of a truly lovely lady. Sendong love and sympathy to her family. Glenn and diana cannon
Nancy and Winston Dunlop posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
My condolences to all of the Hodgson family,I loved my aunt Annabel and of course all of my Hodgson cousins,so many good memories of time spent at the farm,she was always so kind to me,such a lovely lady.
Wendy emmerson posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
To Robert and Family
We are very sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this time .
Wendy and Valerie Langille
Isabel Bradley Maher posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Allan,Bill,Ann,Ruth,John,Robert,Phil and families
So sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mother and grandmother
She was blessed in many ways with long life and a great family who loved and respected her dearly
Please accept my sincere love ,prayers and condolences to each of you at this time
I have fond memories of good days at her home with all of you on Curry Road
Isabel Bradley Maher
Donna Myers posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Dear Ann and Earl,
I am sorry to hear that your Mom has passed away and I am praying for both of you and your family
Love, Donna Myers
Cathy Fynn posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Very sorry to hear of Annabel's passing. The photo is exactly how I remember Aunt Annabel, so beautiful and so kind to all of us kids whenever we went to the farm, one of our favourite places. The Fynns have wonderful, loving memories of our Aunt Ann!
Jack Fynn posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Most sincere condolences to all the family members . I have many fond memories of the old homestead in Barnesville and the accompaning photograph reminds me of those times . Take care .. Jack Fynn
Kathy (Boyle ) Doyle posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Robert and family, so sorry for your Mom’s passing, she lived a great long life, I remember you taking her out for her walks in her wheelchair at the Villa, Hugs ,
Nancy White posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Im so sorry to hear of Annabel's passing.She was a lovely lady and always so welcoming whenever you seen her.I shall treasure the great times we spent at the farm when our parents got together with us kids.Wonderfull people.Sincere condolances. Nancy (Bond White
Allan Bond and family posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
So sorry to hear of the loss of Annabel. So many fun times spent with this family. She was a great person and will not be forgotten.
Marilyn Peacock posted a condolence
Sunday, October 8, 2023
So sorry to hear of your mother/grandmother's passing. When I think of her I see her in a green satin dress ready to go somewhere special. She was so beautiful. She tolerated Isabel and me at the house alot. I still dream of that house and thought it was the best.
Marilyn (Sommerville) Peacock
The family of Annabel Hodgson uploaded a photo
Thursday, October 5, 2023

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